The video is of small kites feeding in flight as insects migrate from somewhere to somewhere now that rain has helped them feed and breed.
With the rain now begun, three months late, people are happier that they will have some crops to see them through the dry season later on. The price of food goes up when there are no crops, as now, and people eat less.
It is part of the pattern: a meal enough for one is enough for two is the saying.
We have soaking rain, the clouds gather heavy and flat, and the wind is light. Every few days there is a scorching day of humid heat, and the rain seems to recover and return. The wind is in the north west today, unusual and cool, and the nights need a light blanket.
The sound of rain on the roof is most welcome.
In a very few weeks time we will take the bus to the coast, and spend a day or two at the sea before a flight back. We will miss this place, but not more than we have missed our home.
There is a lot of wisdom here, and little money. At home there is a lot of money, and sometimes less wisdom. Perhaps our expert lives in the western world are beginning to fray at the edges.
If you view this in Safari, you may find that the Flash plugin needs to be fixed… one wishes that the big companies would sort out this instead of relying on impoverished punters to be patient.