Sunday, 15 May 2016

A video of sound effects

Yup. We be back on the 3rd June, another sleepy dusty delta day, I was out picking cotton and my brother was bailing hay…
Anyway, hot diggety. The above reference is to a song by Bobby Gentry about a young man and a young lady who got into a bit of trouble. Listen to the song, called Ode to Billy Joe, nothing to do with Mvumi.
The attached video is a video because blogspot doesn't like audio files, it seems, so I have to make a video. If you last all the way through it, well done, but it is a soundscape - and it omits some significant sounds, such as the Muezzin who can't sing in tune, the Church that blows out its bass reflex speakers, and the crows that haunt the rooftops and the phone towers. Haven't been able to capture the sound of mosquitoes landing for a snack, although I could get some effects of ourselves slapping ourselves. It is quite amazing how a tiny insect vanishes and reappears, and provokes action which bends spectacles, bruises one's arms and generally makes one feel inadequate.
Be patient with this soundscape. It is in stereo, and turn the volume up.